
Ichiro Otsuka


1979L.L.B., Law, Kyoto University
1981Legal Training and Research Institute, Supreme Court of Japan
1988 コL.L.M., Cornell University
1981 Joined Sumio Takeuchi Law Office
1988Admitted as attorney-at law in New York State
1988 Joined Kilpatrick & Cody (Atlanta, USA)
1990Joined Allen & Overy (London, UK)
1992 Joined Blakemore Law Office
1998~1999 Part-time lecturer in international legal affairs, Faculty of Business Administration, Kanagawa University
2002 Part-time lecturer in international legal affairs, Faculty of Business Administration, Kanagawa University
2008 With the addition of three patent attorneys, including Akihiko Hori, the firm is renamed Tokyo Roppongi Law & Patent Office

Professional Organizations

  • Daini Tokyo Bar Association
  • American Bar Association, its Business Law Section, and its Section of Intellectual Property Law
  • IInternational Fiscal Association
  • Tax Jurisprudence Workshop, Daini Tokyo Bar Association
  • Sozei Soshou Gakkai (Tokyo)
  • Intellectual Property Law Workshop, Daini Tokyo Bar Association
  • Corporate Law Workshop, Daini Tokyo Bar Association
  • Section of Intellectual Property Law, Tokyo Bar Association
  • Intellectual Property Lawyers Network Japan (IPLNET Japan)

Activities in Bar Associations

  • Training and Research Working Group, Tax System Committee, Japan Federation of Bar Associations
  • Arbitrator candidate, Arbitration Center, Daini Tokyo Bar Association

Principal Publications

  • “Cross-Examination” (Hanrei Taimuzu No. 532, 1984)
  • “U.K. Civil Procedure” (Journal of the Japanese Institute of International Business Law Vol. 20, No. 10, 1992)
  • “Due Diligence and Seller’s Disclosure” (Journal of the Japanese Institute of International Business Law Vol. 21, No. 3, 1992)
  • “Japanese Tackle the Anti-Avoidance Issue” (International Tax Review, May, 1993)
  •  “Japanese tackle the anti-avoidance issue”(International Tax Review, May 1993)
  •  “Japan rewrites tax haven rules”(International Tax Review, June 1993)
  •  “Japan/US Transfer Pricing War”(International Tax Review, July/August 1994)
  • 「“International Business Law” (Japan Productivity Center for Socio-Economic Development)
  • “Tax Law in Japan” (Kluer Law International, 2006)
  • “Tax Law in Japan”(共著)(Kluer Law International, 2006年)
  • “Introduction to English Contracts” (JMA Management Center, Inc., 2003)

Reported Cases

  • Decision of Tokyo District Court, on June 3, 1983 (Snoopy Design Rights Case), Tokkyo tTo Kigyo, 1983)
  • Decision of Nagoya Appellate Court, on October 2, 1996 (Securities Damages Case) , Kinyu Shoji Hanrei No. 1594,1998
  • Decision of Tokyo District Court, on May 31, 1999 (King Cobra Trade Mark Case), Hanrei Taimuzu No. 1006, 1999
  • Decision of Tokyo Appellate Court, on May 28, 2008 (The Law Regarding Llimitation of Provider’s Responsibility Case), Hanrei Taimuzu No. 1297, 2009